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Facts About IFS
IFS AB, also known as Industrial and Financial Systems, is a multinational enterprise software company headquartered in Linköping, Sweden. Founded in 1983, IFS specializes in developing and delivering enterprise software for customers globally who are involved in manufacturing, distribution of goods, asset maintenance, and service-focused operations. The company's offerings encompass areas like ERP, EAM, and Field Service Management. With a strong global presence, IFS has over 5,000 employees supporting thousands of customers from a network of local offices and an expanding ecosystem of partners.
- Years in Business: Founded in 1983, IFS has been in business for 40 years.
- Number of Employees: 5,000 (as of 2022).
- Statement of Income: SEK 3.7 billion (2022).
- Location and Hours Availability: Headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, they maintain a global presence with local offices. Their hours of operation vary by region or country, as they are present in over 80 countries.
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